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I started off 2024 with a "change is as good as a holiday" mindset. I had hundreds of ideas for the upcoming 12 months. I was opening a shop, changing the Epiphany business model, becoming an influencer and writing a course. My brain was alive with the sound of opportunity. The voice in my head was running her mouth daily, usually in the middle of the night. No more breastfeeding AND a baby that is finally sleeping through the night.


Thank goodness I have a few sound minds and business mentors that have been the feet keeping my creative wings grounded as I have navigated my business journey. I started Epiphany in 2018 and quickly realised that making decisions that involve change, risks and massive leaps of faith are never easy. This is especially true when you are the one who is not only the sole person making those decisions, but also the sole person accountable for the consequences. That being said, having people in your corner that love you enough to point out the cracks in your shiny new ideas are golden. I certainly thank God for mine every day.

After chatting through my (what I believed to be) well thought out ideas for 2024, a little third party insight made me realise that sometimes change is not a holiday at all. In fact, whilst change may sound exciting, shiny and new, what you have right in front of you may hold more opportunity than all that change put together.

I started the year wanting to mix things up in a BIG way, explore new ideas and embrace this new season of motherhood where I get to enjoy Madi as a toddler whilst getting myself back.

The risk taking, girl bossing, remember everything without writing it down Jess still has to be in here somewhere, right?

Well, at least pieces of her minus the wonderful memory.

Taking on all those changes and grand ideas won't get me back though. In reality it will just make me feel even more out of my depth.

We live our lives chasing more. It's human nature. And if you are anything like me, when I feel a little out of kilter it can be difficult to sit down and evaluate exactly what the positives of the present are without my mind running down a path of magical new opportunity.

I wrote a letter last month about how consistency breeds success, and it would seem that I forgot to read it properly and apply it to my own situation. There is so much power in remaining consistent, staying focused and putting time and effort into cultivating what you have, rather than chasing greener pastures.

After lots of self reflection and guidance from my mentors I have come to realise that what I am doing here is actually pretty damn great. I have so much glitter left to sprinkle to keep Epiphany sparkling like it always has. Epiphany IS the shiny thing I need to feel like myself again, it doesn't have to be something completely new.

It has been an incredibly difficult season trying to balance my beloved directory, brands, followers, Madi and motherhood as a whole. The grace, support and encouragement from everyone has been on a level that words cannot describe, but during this time I haven't felt fully like myself, or fully able to give all of myself to this thing called my business.

As I entered the new year I believed that taking on a new challenge or investigating new opportunities would reignite the flame and passion I had before taking on the new title that comes with motherhood. The truth is, however, that all I actually needed to reignite the flame was a little bit of reflection.

I am forever changed. There is no going back. I will now and always be a mom. And I have come to realise that it's important to not only accept that I won't ever be the Jess I was before, but to embrace the Jess that I am now.

It's freeing to know that I don't have to be the same. That I can share, curate and love what I do as a new version of me.

I want Madi to understand the importance of moving out of ones comfort zone in order to adapt to change. Rather than always be searching for new shinier things, she needs to get out the polish and put in some elbow grease to determine whether what she's holding in her hand still has the ability to shine.

2024 is taking a slightly different trajectory than I had initially planned.

I will still be sharing Madi and personal life things, along with all my love for local and beautiful curations. I have a few exciting changes up my sleeve too, because I am not here to bore you, but overall I'm crossing all those new shiny ideas off the list for now.

I am simplifying and staying focused so that I can get the Epiphany spark sparkling for you, my beautiful Epiphany babe.

Welcome back to another year with the same Epiphany you know and love, and a Jess who's forever changed but somehow still exactly the same.

Thank you for your love and support always.

All my love,

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