I read an article yesterday that discussed sassy, fiery, bossy little girls and how these cheeky little divas are likely to become strong, independent woman who were born to make their mark. As a bossy, sassy, once cheeky little diva myself; this gave me a little boost in confidence. I would like to think that I already am a strong, independent woman, but knowing that the qualities that some people may identify as negative, are the very ones that got me to where I am, is comforting.
For the last while I keep hearing a voice in my head:
"Be the wildflower" it says.
I have spent time reflecting on this strange sentiment that has burdened my thoughts and if you are willing to bare with me, I would like to elaborate on what I think my subconscious is trying to tell me.
One of the hardest lessons I have had to learn is not to compare my life (or myself) with others, and I don't always get it right! It's in our innate human nature to want after things that others have, or measure one's success by the perceived success of others. The most freeing realisation is that joy and success have been far easier to find just by being myself, believing in myself and finding comfort in my own skin.
For the last while I keep hearing a voice in my head: "Be the wildflower" it says.

But being the wildflower is not just about forgetting the need to measure oneself by comparison. It's the wisdom to know that standing out in a crowd is infinitely more powerful than fitting in. Understanding that not everyone will appreciate the way that you are (and being ok with that) is, quite frankly, liberating!
As a brand, Epiphany is always trying to stand out. It's difficult for small brands to make their presence known amongst all the noise on our preferred social platforms, but I truly believe that it's the personal essence of this brand that sets us apart. Not everyone is going to love what Epiphany is, but that is OKAY!
When I think about the listings on the directory I can't help but smile at the genuine love I have for each brand. The ever growing directory brands are owned by an array of creators that have used their passion to start or grow a brand that they believe in. The competition amongst small, local business owners can be ruthless but by staying true to who they are and what they do, each brand has found their own level of success.
I believe that supporting the people that follow their inner moonlight is one of the best ways to encourage society to be themselves and do what they love. Being a wildflower is not always easy. It's having the courage not to conform, the bravery to take a leap of faith, and the wisdom to embrace your unique qualities in a way that inspires you to live your life to the fullest.
Embrace your qualities and use them to your advantage rather than comparing yourself with others. The idea is to take small steps towards savouring your life and all that it is.

Being a wildflower can come in many shapes and forms, and not everyone needs to quit their job and become an entrepreneur to embrace all that this freedom has to offer. It is in the transformation of your thoughts and self-worth that will truly impact your ability to find this joy.
So with that, I wish to inspire you to free yourself from any untrue thoughts that confine you. Embrace your qualities and use them to your advantage rather than comparing yourself with others. The idea is to take small steps towards savouring your life and all that it is.
To those that continue to support the "wildflowers" that list on the Epiphany directory, I thank you. And to those looking for a sign to shake things up and start living to their full potential, "well honey, this is it"!
I implore you to be the wildflower. To grow despite your conditions, even in bad soil or between rocks. Show your beautiful colours and blossom with ferocity. Do whatever it takes to find self love, grow besides negativity and bloom into all that you were destined to be.
All my love,

Beautiful Jess, as always ❤️❤️